

Write better content faster with the new AI assistant

Speed up and improve your content writing process with the help of our new AI assistant (powered by ChatGPT)

Wassim Samad
2024-04-29 08:15:20


Global Variables on Cloud Backend API Functions

Add global variables reachable from all your API functions

Joseph Benguira
2021-02-04 07:43:04


PWA feature on AppDrag websites

Turn your website into a Progressive Web Application

Wassim Samad
2021-02-04 07:27:21


Organize your project assets through folders

Keep your project images and photos organized with the new folder system

Wassim Samad
2020-12-30 07:28:03


Buttons reordering

You can now easily reorder your Pagebuilder buttons

Wassim Samad
2020-12-23 08:01:18


New permissions for project sharing

You can now share project access for users to specific pages and blog/shop categories

Wassim Samad
2020-12-09 12:15:59


Stock tracking feature for shop

Define the number of available items in your stock it will automatically be decremented on purchase

Wassim Samad
2020-11-12 20:35:07


Audit trail is now available

You can now see on your project: every actions, who made it and when.

Joseph Benguira
2020-08-24 08:01:20


Your Cloud API functions as templates

Your go-to functions can now be added to the list of templates available when you create a new Cloud API function

Wassim Samad
2020-07-27 06:28:20


Add custom HTML code on your project

Global insertion of HTML code in head and before end of body tags

Wassim Samad
2020-07-19 07:50:25


Password Protection

Add a password to your website

Wassim Samad
2020-07-19 07:50:25


We have added Extensionless urls, you can now remove .html extension from your urls

Great news, we have just published today a new option to remove .html extension from urls!

Thomas Simons
2020-02-20 08:23:21


Cookie Consent

The GDPR Cookie Consent is now available on AppDrag for free!

Thomas Simons
2020-02-19 23:03:21


Share projects with admin rights

You can now share your projects with administrator rights

Thomas Simons
2019-08-19 17:08:33


Strong Customer Authentication

Good news, AppDrag payments, shops and payment plugins now have 3D secure enabled when needed. Starting today your websites are compliant with the new european law (SCA) which takes effect on the 14th September 2019.

Wassim Samad
2019-07-29 18:13:04


Integrate your favorite apps to AppDrag with Zapier

Zapier connects AppDrag with over 1,000 apps including MailChimp, Trello, Eventbrite, Gmail, Spreadsheets or Pipedrive to name just a few. Setting up automated workflows (called Zaps) between apps is quick and easy and it doesn't require any code.

Joseph Benguira
2019-02-19 14:46:19


You can now apply CSS filters on anything! (Grayscale, Blur, Sepia, Hue, Invert, ...)

When you are editing an element, column, row or section, in the configuration brush click on Filters.  There you will be able to configure Grayscale, Blur, Sepia, Hue, Invert and more filters easily. 

Joseph Benguira
2019-01-03 09:54:49


New free icons set provided by IconFinder

We are happy to announce that you can now have access to millions of new icons!

Wassim Samad
2018-12-30 13:41:30


Lazyload Images

Images are now lazy loaded on AppDrag PageBuilder projects. Images are loaded only when they are going to be visible on screen. It boosts performances and reduce the amount of bandwidth use.

Joseph Benguira
2018-12-27 15:44:13


Source Code Projects

You can now create source code projects with ready to use templates : HTML5, Bootstrap, Vue.js, React, Angular.. With the code editor you have a live preview of your project in real time. It's the perfect way to create a cloud hosted web app with high performances!

Wassim Samad
2018-12-26 13:30:13


Configure GSuite in one click on your domain

Do you want to use GSuite on your domain? Go to your domain settings and edit DNS. We provided a button to autoconfigure your GSuite MX for you.

Joseph Benguira
2018-12-24 15:25:07


Optimize your website with minification

On your project dashboard > optimizations, you can now enable or disable the minification of your pages. It slightly improve your pages loading time!

Wassim Samad
2018-12-20 15:28:20

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