Dev, Pre-production and Production environment for your API Functions
We feel excited to announce you that you can know select the version for the development, pre-production and production routes on your Cloud API Functions.
To make your developer life easier while developing Cloud API Functions we decided to add the possibility to track the version for development, pre-production and production. (development is always the latest version you're working on)
The publish button now appears on Cloud API Functions.
You can turn on this feature by selecting which version of your function is used when you use the route :
- /dev/api => The development one, always executing your latest version
- /preprod/api => The pre-production one
- /prod/api => The production one

By default all the routes are targeting the latest version, which can be pretty useful when you're working on the first iteration of your project.
Once your project is online, you don't want to break your API and backend code and affect your live users. This feature allows you to use the dev and pre-prod routes to work on your function fearless to affect the production environment.
Thomas Simons
2019-04-25 15:06:50